Enhancing Applicant Management

Creating a Free ATS for Small Businesses.

UX/UI Design
‍January - December 2020
Project Overview
This project was made for a HR Startup that connects companies worldwide to Latin American candidates.
My goal on this project was to allow recruiters to manage their open positions with a quick and seamless experience.
My Contributions
As a Product Designer, I was responsible for validating hypotheses through product experiments, conduct user researchers, design the interface, and together with the Product Manager to outline the product launch strategy.
Incorporating a pre-existing management page for applicants, the platform listed all positions within drop-down menus, making it difficult for recruiters to efficiently handle candidates. This led to the use of external tools like spreadsheets or paid Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) such as Workable and Lever.
Old applicant management pages
Problem Statement
Recruiters from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need an affordable and efficient solution to manage candidates in their open positions. Traditional ATS tools are very expensive for these companies, causing them to resort to using spreadsheets for candidate management.

User need
The goal is to empower recruiters to efficiently manage candidates in a free ATS (Applicant Tracking System) instead of relying on spreadsheets. This software will be tailored to optimize the hiring process, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for recruiters while effectively organizing and tracking candidate information.

User interviews
To gain insights into recruiters' motivations and usage of the platform, I conducted user interviews and comparative tests. The tests involved presenting the interface in high fidelity using two different views: list and Kanban. A total of 20 participants took part in the tests, consisting of 10 current clients and 10 non-clients.

14 of 20 recruiters preferred the kanban version.
Kanban was better to understand the full process status and how much candidates are in each phase.
Product Discovery
Comparative test (list vs kanban)
Building an MVP, improving with beta testers and progressive rollout
As a team, we defined what features are essential to the first version of the product. And we did a progressive rollout for the companies. Starting with 5 beta testers up to 10k companies in 2 quarters.

MVP Features
Kanban structure
Candidate Details
Process Status
Actions (Invite for interviews, cancel interviews, approve and reject applicants, comments about the candidate).
Design Solution
Kanban board
Candidate details and management
Manage the progress of candidates in few clicks
Adaptation of the product to different personas
Ex. Employer filter focused on companies with more than 10 employers working in a position.

Add candidates outside our marketplace
Allow recruiters to add candidates from other sources in the kanban board, so they can centralize all the process on our platform.

Using the product to attract new customers
With the improvements made on the platform, it was possible to use this product to attract new customers and start to understand how to offer the recruitment marketplace to those clients. The Landing Page was built as a no-code project in Webflow.
Challenges and Improvements